Sunday, May 10, 2020

Tattoos And Pop Culture - 1923 Words

When you think of social issues there are many that come to mind ,but there is one that though it effects many is overlooked. That issue is the acceptance of tattoos into our main stream culture. Tattoos actually have a very long history in our culture, but in the past, was concentrated in small out of the way pockets of society like the military and criminals. This has slowly started to change and tattoos have started to make their way into the commonplace. This transition into an age of acceptance is not only moral move, but a logical one, this claim can be justified with the with deep traditional roots and personal experience that tattoos hold for the people that adorn their skin with them. To truly understand why the acceptance of†¦show more content†¦These meanings also show how deep the tradition in the military is with the tattoos becoming like a language. These tattoos and their popularity would find their height a 1900 â€Å"an estimated 90 percent of sailors in the United States Navy were tattooed†1 . After this there was a decline for some years, but tattoos never really went away and have been back on the rise. Though tattoos are a tradition within the military, like many other things having to do with members of the services appearance there has been steps taken to regulate them. An early example of this â€Å"in 1909, the government outlawed the recruitment of would-be sailors bearing indecent or obscene tattoos.†1 This policy of banning offensive or â€Å"extreme† tattoos still holds today in the military’s tattoo polices and is has not been detrimental to most recruits as is said in Finbar’s article Tattoos have become more common in this generation—but it doesn t prohibit applicants looking for a job from the military. Only the ASVAB [Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test] score, a physical and their upstanding moral background determine jobs. The military doesn t disqualify people from jobs because of tattoos,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Body Art543 Words   |  3 Pagessex partner, to show of their wealth or social status, or to just make an outgoing statement about themselves. Is body art really a pop culture? Our dissatisfaction with the human body and its covering is expressed in endless change. This results in the desire and adoption of a trend, these trends are shown through ways such as piercing, body painting, and tattoos, Body piercing has grown in popularity over the past five years especially among American teenagers who pierce just about anythingRead MoreContent Of Pop Culture : What Should Be Censored?910 Words   |  4 Pagesxual Content in Pop Culture: What Should Be Censored? The subject of this assignment is about pop culture, sexual content, and censorship. 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